Transcript for Chapter 14A
Opens in the makeup room, where the girls are being worked on en masse by a group of cosmetologists and beauticians. Crammed into the space are also photographers and other girls who are waiting their turns. Amy and Hannah are at a couple of shampoo sinks. Their eyes are squeezed shut and they look like they're in pain. Shampoo suds are on their faces. Ilsa and another woman shampoo them while they complain, and a photographer leans in to get the shot.
Hannah: My hair!
Amy: My eyes!
A tired-looking cosmetologist leads another one of the girls, LEXIE, away from the shampoo station.
Lexie: But what are you going to do to it?
Cosmetologist: Probably curl it.
Lexie: My mom already curled it! I slept in curlers last night!
Cosmetologist: Cool. Maybe your mom can move to L.A. and do that cocker spaniel thing to everybody.
Jade watches the exchange nervously from her chair in front of a sink. She hasn't been shampooed, yet, but she's got a towel around her neck and she's waiting. Suddenly, she senses that someone is standing close to her.
Jade looks up to see WERNER watching her. He's a beautician with black, slicked-back hair and a tight black t-shirt. He has heavy eyelids and refined cheekbones.
Werner: I'm Werner.
Jade: Verner?
Werner: Werner.
The room is bustling with people.
Jade: Oh- -kay.
Werner: I do you all of final round.
Jade grins a little, embarrassed, like she can't believe she's being set up like this.
Jade: Won't that get in the way of dancing?
Werner doesn't react to her joke.
Werner: You're a tough girl. You like tough.
Jade watches him warily from her chair.
Jade: I guess...
Werner becomes very serious.
Werner: We go pretty.
Jade shrieks as Werner pushes her down into the sink. Her feet shoot up and hair tools begin to fly around.
Afterward, Jade seems stunned. But her hair is pretty. It's parted assymetrically. The lighter side is braided against her head and away from her face in several small braids. The heavy side falls in front of her ear, gently wavy. She reaches up to touch it, nervously, and there's so much product in it that it crunches between her fingers.
Werner thrusts a bag toward her; it's on of the reuseable "Bouquet" logo bags.
Werner: Put this on. Careful with the head.