Transcript for Chapter 15A
Opens with the Bouquet contestants dancing in syncronization to music playing from a speaker nearby.
Katrina (off-screen): Control your movements!
Hannah and Amy pose with hands in front of their bodies.
Grace and Ingrid pose with their arms beside their heads.
Katrina (off-screen): Arms high and swivel!
Katrina shouts orders while demonstrating the dance moves.
Katrina: Swivel!
Katrina swivels her hips.
Katrina: Jade, don't be shy!
Jade tries to mimic the dance move, but she looks shaky and awkward. Her face is pained.
Katrina: Get your hips out there!
Jade looks back over her shoulder, basically in the direction of us, the readers. Her teeth are clenched and she's sweating from the exertion of bad dancing. A camera is pointed right at her from maybe two feet away.
Jade: [It's not me, it's my hips! They refuse to do it in front of the camera!]
Katrina stops dancing and waves her hand dismissively.
Katrina: Okay, cut the music.
The girls also stop dancing and sigh with exhaustion. Bridgette is limp and smiling with relief. Sarah's hands are on her hips and Danielle is bent over, panting. Hannah wipes sweat away from her forehead. Katrina also takes a moment to dab at her face with a towel.
Katrina: You guys have the basic move set for this dance down, or...
She glances over at Jade sternly.
Katrina: ...most of you do...
Jade cringes.
Katrina tosses the towel toward some male employee and moves on.
Katrina: So now we're going to work on blocking. Look at your shirts.
Amber and Ingrid are looking down at their audition shirts.
Katrina: There are two different shades of green and two different styles, which gives them a little bit of variety, but the point is that it makes it easy to block a big group of you when we're short on time. Right now I want you to line up on your usual order but with the girls wearing the kelly green in the back and the girls wearing the spring green in the front. Make sure you're staggered, so everyone can be seen.
The girls look around at each other.
Katrina: Take note of who's beside you when you're in this position.
Jade is on the far back left of the group and Amber is on the far front right. The rest of the girls are arranged in two lines between them.
Katrina stands with her arms crossed, giving orders.
Katrina: Now, without looking backward, use a four-count to switch so that the kelly green is in front. One, two, three, four.
The girls change positions while she counts.
Katrina: See, we just changed up our blocking and I didn't have to position each one of you individually.
The girls with the darker-toned shirts are in the front now.
Katrina: This is a little harder, but try switching so that the tanks are in front and the tees are in back.
The girls shift positions again, but Jade and Bridgette accidentally bump into each other.
Jade: Ah, sorry.
Jade: [Even though they're letting us move around now, I'm still always on the opposite side from Amber.]
Jade can see Amber on the other end, but several girls are in the way.
Jade: [How am I supposed to talk to her like this?]